Animal Pest Management Services
We specialise in feral animal pest control and native wildlife management in urban and industrial areas, farms, mine sites and wildlife sanctuaries, for both governments and the general public.
Based in Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria, we cater to clients right around the country, delivering our animal pest control services to every State.
As feral and wild animal control experts, we also specialise in the capture and relocation of animals, as well as surveying and monitoring of pests and native fauna – providing consulting services for advice, management plans and reports on the impacts of invasive species on native fauna.
Pest control training services can be provided for a full range of vertebrate pest control methods and activities, from humane firearms use on animals, right through to wildlife management in remote locations. We also have a range of animal traps and poisons for retail.
Our Mission Statement is: “To provide the best pest animal management available to our clients around Australia through innovation, knowledge and passion.”
Animal Pest Management Services are pioneers in developing the current practices for WA fox trapping in urban environments, where we still lead the way today. Our integrated rabbit control programs were the first on the market in urban Perth, and have inspired many other imitation programs… As the saying goes “Imitation is the best form of flattery.”
Managing Director Mike Butcher was awarded the 2014 Australasian Wildlife Management Society Practitioners Award for the management of loggerhead turtles at Gnaraloo, Western Australia, having reduced fox predation from 80-100% to zero for the past 5 seasons.
Find out more About Us, and the Animal Pest Control Services we provide.

Contact Us
Animal Pest Management Services
Freecall: 1800 842 199
Phone: 08 9726 2537
Fax: 08 9726 2538